Career, by design or by default?

Orlando Disney Speaker
GNP. A brisk morning at Lake McDonald Lodge marina.

Establishing a career routine is the same as not establishing a career routine. The first routine is established by design, the second, by default.


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Habits and rituals drive your life

Disney Keynote Speakers
Just do it. Let it become a habit so you no longer are conscience of .thinking .differenty

Habits and rituals determine whether you thrive or survive.

The long way is the short cut.

Bank on both of these.

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Culture is the engine

Orlando hosts 2019 NFL Pro Bowl
Orlando hosts 2019 NFL Pro Bowl for the third consecutive year. It’s today. We’ll be home before it starts. Photo taken yesterday as we walked “The City Beautiful“.

Culture is the engine.

Habits and rituals are the fuel.

i’ve been an avid photographer since age six.

Since the advent of pocket cameras, i call it “real life in real time”.

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Autopilot strengthens work habits and rituals

Disney Podcasts
Jody Maberry texted this small tweak yesterday.
Disney Podcasts
The question now is, “Which “i” has it?

You can’t solve your work problems challenges tomorrow when you are on autopilot; repeating what you did yesterday.

Talking about your career health right now, as CEO of You, Inc.







When you look at where you’ve been and compare that to where you are now, changing your work habits and rituals has changed everything.

Not only are you CEO of You, Inc, but you are also CEO of Mid Life Celebration, LLC.

There’s merit in working for a great company. And even greater merit for using that as a stepping stone to captain your own ship.

Life opens up to you in indescribable ways.

It’s strenuous and risky work.

So is playing it safe when you work for someone else. 

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