It’s all good – the location and the work

NYC Midtown Tunnel
NYC Midtown Tunnel


Should be seeing the NYC skyline soon. Been in the cab 40 minutes so far.

Heading to Times Square.

To do work that matters.

Just entered midtown tunnel.

Figuring Mannhatten is at the other end.

Pretty exciting actually.

Sure, the location, but more importantly, the work that gets to be performed.

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Writing the first book didn’t detract, it extraordinarily elevated the author’s game

Midlife Celebration book Kindle version
Walking a mile in the customer’s shoes


Writing the first book didn’t detract, it extraordinarily elevated the author’s game.


Live within your means.

We hear this about money all the time.

But we never do. We keep trying to make more of it.

Rat race.

What if…

What if we thought of living within our means to translate into, live within your managerial comfort level?

Strive to a certain point and then claim it:

‘a great place to be’

And then get busy being remarkable there.

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Same old same old could be the best indication you are becoming a great artist

Dimmer light
We want the top box choice to be a no brainer for the people completing the evaluations


Same old same old could be the best indication you are becoming a great artist.

Two days ago the client said the content delivery was the best she’s ever seen.

When these kinds of comments seem to follow wherever we go, we are becoming something remarkable.

Because we rarely remark when things are simply satisfactory.

Remarks predictably start flying when it’s awful or when it’s amazing.

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The goal is always, without exception, to deliver

The Breakers standard Resort view room
Have the service match (or exceed) the facilities (and sleep well knowing you gave 100%)


Unsolicited. Sincere. Humbling. Bullseye.

“This is our 40th trip to Walt Disney World and today was the best day ever. Thank you so much.”

What can you say in response?

You’re welcome?


Insight: The goal is always, without exception, to deliver a remarkable level of service.

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