When jeff noel Tried To Describe Being A Prolific Blogger, It Seemed Fairly Inconceivable


From jeff noel’s experience, many Midlife Baby Boomer professionals aren’t interested in keeping up with the rapid change social media is bringing to the way people and businesses communicate with one another.

When jeff described to a fellow midlife professional that he was a prolific blogger, the friend said it felt as though noel was speaking a different language and he didn’t understand a word of it. jeff noel just smiled and let it go.

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Every Job Has It’s Privileges or Perks That Are Found No Where Else

This picture is from a photo shoot for Runner's World to advertise a Disney running event

Yesterday’s pictures were from Summer 2009. Had the opportunity to be at Magic Kingdom’s Cinderella Castle at 5am (was on vacation). The photo shoot involved me and another Disney Cast Member volunteer. We kept running through Cinderella Castle’s breezeway as the photographer clicked off hundreds of photos. Months later, she was in the Runner’s World advertisement. It was a great experience.

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jeff noel Stopped Trying To Separate Work and Life Years Ago

jungle jeff.net June 2009
Dear Son, remember this morning?
Good morning Magic Kingdom

Lee Cockerell, retired Executive Vice President gave a Time Management speech to a group of Disney leaders years ago. I attended. Lee said something that no one had ever suggested before. “Business people act like they have two separate lives – they maintain one calendar for personal stuff and another for work commitments. We have one life and we should have one calendar”.

Up until this month, Ive been blogging like I have two lives. I merged my calendars long ago. It’s time to do the same with my blogs.

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Being A Great Father Is The Most Important Job A Man Will Ever Have

jeff noel and Two Disney Leaders at Magic Kingdom

jeff noel spends an extraordinary amount of time immersed in the Disney way, as a Guest, a shareholder, and a Cast Member (remember, all Mid Life Celebration website & blogs are entirely personal).

What I never saw coming, was how Disney’s business practices have helped me become a better Father. I stumble, I fall, We all do. And we brush ourselves off, get back up and get going again. Life, work. Work, life. It’s one life. Really, it’s just one life. Years ago I stopped trying to separate the two.

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The Big Picture At Disney Is To Make Sure Every Guest Has The Best Vacation Ever

Being a great Father is the toughest, and most important job a man will ever have

The big picture for a Father is to make sure each child has the most comprehensive lessons on personal responsibility so when they become an adult, there are fewer surprises.

The opportunity jeff noel sees in America is the literal nonexistence of a personal responsibility and accountability curriculum for children and youth.

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