Where I Work And Who I Work For Helped Me Organize Life’s Big Choices

The Noel Family calls Walt Disney World home

There’s a reason our home is next door to The Walt Disney World Resort. And everything Disney has taught me is used to discern the essential elements of the life’s basics. To be a good and decent Dad, I use that basic foundation to focus my time and energy where it matters most (failing sometimes, but never quitting).

One thing studying Disney has taught me is that complex things need to be simplified so that even a five-year old can understand. No amount of sophistication or polish will make the message clear, concise and compelling. Strip it down.

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jeff noel Has Been Reflecting and Writing About Authenticity

Leadership is a balancing act of five big choices

One of the most amazingly secret ways to hone your leadership skills is by writing what you dream about, think about, hope for, despise, love. Like exercise or a technical skill, the more you do it, the better you get.

Writing forces a leader to be crystal clear, concise and even compelling. If what you write doesn’t sound compelling, clear or concise, it ain’t.

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