Crazy is

teddy bear at TEDx stage
How many Bead Jars have you seen on TED?

Crazy is as crazy does.

Crazy is in the eye of the beholder.

Having a vision of your future that’s not only better than now but much better than now – sounds crazy to many.

Having a vision of your future that’s never gonna be better than now and probably gonna get worse as you age – sounds crazy to me.

Crazy is like a shoe. If it fits, people wear it.

Always wear the best shoes you can afford even if you are barefoot.

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Perfectly, at work, crazy

Yesterday. Number 743 on the request list.

Perfectly, at work, crazy.


To the crazy ones.

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Impossible is a 4-letter word


Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.

Napoleon Bonaparte

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Great ideas never start out great

Great ideas never start out great.

Great ideas start out as seeds of craziness or seeds of obscurity.

Doing things that don’t have a track record are the most likely to not work, not scale, and not last.

The photo above illustrates this.

Google “first you tube video”.

And then there are your crazy ideas.

Happy present and thankful moment.

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New inspirational video at jungle jeff today


New inspirational video at jungle jeff today.

Personally, it’s so powerful, i’ve placed it in this blog’s sidebar, along with a few other important videos.

The Soviets hadn’t been beaten in 20 years, not even by the NHL’s All-Star team.

And then in 1980, a miracle…

What the coach had to do to accomplish this was treason from conventional thinking.

This type of .thinking .differently is oxygen for the right people.


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