What’s our brand?

Disney Phone book
Photo: Phone book in the lobby of the bank serving our family banking needs


What’s our brand?

You know, the first thing people think of when they see us or hear our name.

For Example:

Virgin Atlantic – Irresistible

Starbucks – your third place (1st is home, 2nd is work, 3rd is SB).

So let’s back up, brand is also what a company does to try to make you feel a certain way.

Tomorrow, a singular, simple thought running through the minds of artists as speakers.

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Claiming to be an early adopter means you have to be one

Same iPhone5, but after the IOS7 install...
Same iPhone5, but after the IOS7 install…


IOS7 installed
IOS 7 makes the old 5 look like a new iPhone5


Claiming to be an early adopter means you have to be one. And therein lies the real reason to spend money to upgrade to the new iPhone 5s while still under contract. Call it a luxury tax. You must pay the price.

We also pay a luxury tax on the time investment for exercising. There is very little time for watching TV.

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Our job as a leader is not to maintain things, it’s to make things better

Pursuing excellence
Be so remarkable that people actually make positive remarks about you


Our job as a leader is not to maintain things, it’s to make things better.

Push the envelop.

Inspire others to find small ways to constantly improve.

And it starts (and is most effective) with us being remarkable.

Never being satisfied is a cross to carry.

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