Taking leadership teaching to a brand new location for a week

Ft Wayne airport

Speeding home at 600 mph, 35k feet up. Cab at 5am, left no time to post early. So mid day, reflecting back, it was a great day yesterday… challenging, inspiring, demanding, mission work. Spent. Tomorrow morning, will begin anew, but….

I’m taking the leadership teaching to a brand new location for a week. Potentially the biggest assignment of the whole year…

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Do I ever get tired of blogging?

inspirational speakers
in each and every meeting it is my duty to inspire others transformationally

Do I ever get tired of blogging? No. Someone asked me recently if I ever get tired of speaking. No, I said. I approach speaking the same way a heart surgeon must approach each heart surgery – like it matters more than anything.

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Can you blame anyone for doing this?

belief passion
just because others don't believe this shouldn't stop me from doing so with all my heart

Fear. It stops us from doing what we think would be a good idea. And our good idea comes from a dream we have to approach a challenge that desperately needs a fresh, common sense solution.

Can you blame me for writing five daily, differently-themed blogs about work life balance?

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