Dear executive buyer, please keep asking yourself this question until you have a positive revelation.
What is this contract worth after my organization is exposed to, and changed by, the expert’s assistance?
- What expenses will be slashed or eliminated?
- What is the difference in organizational health before and after we complete a year-long legitimate effort?
- What short and long term worries and vulnerabilities become non-issues and how will that freedom feel?
- What will the employee vibe be like when your culture is stronger, healthier, and more vibrant?
- If you were to postpone starting for more than a year, could that indecision turn into two or three years (or never), and when you think about that how do you (and the entire organization) feel?
You should picture your previous life when you had few to no wellness habits and compare it to where you are today, now that you have integrated intentionality and consistency into how you behave in much healthier ways than before. What’s that worth? Hard to calculate, but blindingly obvious.
Worth noting that for a decade i’ve been a web and technology do-it-yourselfer by using GoDaddy’s inexpensive platform. That old way of thinking and doing is no longer effective for the way my business is evolving.
i’ve hired Rob on an indefinite monthly retainer to take my web and technology abilities into 2019 and beyond. This is going to change everything about the way i used to think and behave.
My old GoDaddy account’s highest PHP update is one update away from not supporting the WordPress blogs that contain my life’s work. And i never knew. Plus, the Legacy account has me trapped because it doesn’t currently offer even the lowest update solution.
Bottom line, what can be measured doesn’t always matter, and what matters can’t always be measured.
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