Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Fly home from Australia, work
Coles was our grocery store for three weeks. This is from late yesterday on our way to drop off our son at his campus apartment. One final grocery store run with a vehicle.
Cheryl got one to bring home.
Just a moment in time. Less than 24 hours ago.
Mid-February in Australia. Easter candy now on display.
The Kookaburra puzzle on right is a hidden surprise for after the first week in his new apartment.
Kookaburra fun fact.
Should be a fun surprise.
4-bedroom, 4-bath apartment with shared kitchen and living room.
Make the most of every opportunity.
Every situation, properly perceived, is an opportunity.
And some situations need no perception because they are obvious.
Wisdom is seeing everything as an opportunity.
Wisdom is also discerning when, how, and why?
• • • • •
This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.
By jeff noel
Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.