Waking up in your own bed, work

Airport flight monitor
Fourth from the bottom.

Being able to work from anywhere is a blessing.

Having small, portable, reliable tools to travel with is amazing.

Having a lifelong, curious, childlike imagination is an ‘amazing blessing’.

Amazing blessings are all around us.

Kids don’t call them blessings but everything kids think, do, feel, create, and organize feels special to them.

i never want to lose that.

And waking up in your own bed is a blessing most kids won’t understand for a few decades.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Envisioning the past

Envisioning the past.

But wait jeff, don’t you always say that “vision” is a picture of the future that is not only better than now, but much better than now?


Here’s the cool paradox to this post…

We leave Australia on June 30.

We arrive home in Orlando (also) on June 30.

Fourteen time zones make for a unique calendar juxtaposition.

We gained a day traveling to Australia.

We ‘lose’ a day flying home.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Final 24 hours in Australia, work

college auditorium
We scouted out the venue the day before. We intentionally mitigated navigational challenges before any challenges could surface.
college auditorium
Two adults in auditorium
Almost ‘showtime’.
Blurry photo of college graduation
Here they come. The first two graduates have entered the back room.
6-second video: The third graduate is the one we came to see and honor.
10-second video: Sometimes a ‘chaotic’ clip can provide decent context.
11-second video: The opening kickoff.
19-second video: Graduates from the School of Business and Creative Industries.
16-second video: The third graduate.

Reflecting on the past three weeks and the next 24 hours, this is a dominating career thought….

Different is better than better.

To have strong courage to be different is the key to career vibrancy.

Tradition and dogma have their place in scaling high standards.

Paradoxically, tradition and dogma must be challenged for improvements to surface. And to make dramatic leaps in quality, tradition and dogma must be left behind.

Note: If Henry Ford hadn’t created his car manufacturing assembly lines, people of the time would have been hoping for faster horses.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Surfing is life?

ocean sunrise
Two surfers at sunrise. There are more at this time daily (until dusk), but they are spread out of this photo.
surfer walking with board to water
Most of today’s photos are from Cheryl.
surfers in the ocean
The rocky beach is invisible at high tide. But the surfers know. Their life depends on knowing.
two surfers wading into the ocean
Every day it’s a steady flow of surfers coming and going. From before sunrise until after sunset.

Do what brings you (and possibly others) joy.

Live within your means.

Live with no regrets.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Three Olympic Nights

small island near ocean shore
Photo: From Mount Coolum’s summit, looking at Point Cartwright Lighthouse.

Three Olympic Nights?

No, not yet.

There are still three nights of USATF Olympic Trails, starting tomorrow.

Note: Day 5 and 6 are rest days. Tomorrow is Day 7.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.