Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Australia Day 17, work
9-second video: Circus-like wall murals.12-second video: Just some random context to this Mall.
Stumbled upon this in a Mall we entered looking for a shortcut to a stand-alone business.
24-second video: Here’s where we were trying to get to.
We’ve been here 2.5 weeks and this is the first morning I’m seeing what is always there.
Organizational vibrancy comes from doing life’s basics brilliantly.
Five organizational pillars.
And 19 architectural blueprints.
Over-focus on raising every bar to the highest level.
• • • • •
This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.
By jeff noel
Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.