Day 3 St Mary, Triple Divide, work

honeymoon couple in the mountains
A brief moment when the clouds lifted enough to reveal Hidden lake.

On our (unintentional) journey to become GNP frequent flyers, we made many of the typical rookie mistakes.

As years ticked by our visits became an annual tradition and we fell deeper in love with Glacier.

Our mistakes dwindled as our experience grew.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Day 2 St Mary, Triple Divide, work

disney keynote speaker customer service
The best leaders know where true north is. True north is the bullseye. For an Olympian, Gold is the bullseye.

What leadership traits and characteristics do Olympians possess? 

And why do they possess them?

What, if anything, does this mean to the rest of us?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Day 1 St Mary, Triple Divide, work

Jeff Noel disney keynote speaker
Website photo from a handful of years ago. Also my social media profile photo. Repetition is one of marketing’s secrets to success.

Repetition is the mother of all habitual results.

Clarity is strength.

Strength is an asset.

Assets trump liabilities.

Back to clarity…

How high is your career bar?

Be crystal clear your highest career standards.

Do the reps to reach, sustain, and improve your highest work standards.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Day 6 West Glacier, work

chef having fun
Chef, and the food, dabbing. Look closely at the food. You’re welcome.

Until further notice, i’m officially committed to more play, less work.

Note: The vision for my work and the play is simple, amazing, and contagious.

Sounds like: Less work, better work. More play, better play.

Note to self: Remember, you’ve been envisioning this for a couple years. You have also been making slow and steady progress the past year or so. Glacier 2024 has the potential to rewire/recode your software.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Day 5 West Glacier, work

Apple Watch message
Apple Watch message screenshot. No idea why this image got captured and stored in iPhotos. This happened in Glacier but adds nothing to this Summer’s Glacier story. This is a modest breakthrough in my blogging (potential) transformation. Not sure how yet. But because it doesn’t ‘make sense’ and i used it anyway…feels good.

Contemplating a bunch of thoughts more seriously since arriving here.

A couple headliners:

  1. Streamlining blogging so that after the initial backend stuff (say, for a month) is done, which takes a day or two, could i potentially blog in only 10 minutes per day?
  2. Could i stop logging my “workouts”? The idea of just seizing every reasonable opportunity to “exercise”. Think about the mindset of an elementary school child, on a playground. And then make the leap that the whole world, every day, is the “playground”.

Happy present moment.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.