Day 1 GPL with Di Lollo, work

sHiker in mountains
It was cool to be there for his first summit!

In my work career, learning is my favorite thing.

In my work career, teaching is my second favorite thing.

Insight: To teach is to learn twice.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Rising Sun Cabin, 1-night hole, work

five people next to mountain lake
When you do it yourself. You get closer to everyone’s face and, iconic Wild Goose Island.
five people next to mountain lake
When you hand your phone to a helpful human. You get smaller faces, sometimes feet (but not this time), and no Wild Goose Island.
Disney toy figurines at mountain lake
It’s probably hard for anyone to get this. Why? Literally no one knows this vantage point is accessible. Note: At lake level, Wild Goose Island becomes indistinguishable from the rest of the backdrop.

If i never try anything, i never learn anything. If i never take a risk, i stay where i am.

Who wants that?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Day 7 St Mary, Triple Divide, work

florida home
Our current home has 28 windows. We had no curtains when we moved in. These days, i prefer to have the blinds rolled up. Intentional fishbowl reality. But now our goal is what we are letting in. Nature.

It’s easy to forget such seriously low-income standards we came from.

It’s easy to forget how our seriously high standards and persistence increased our income so much that we forget how poor we once were.

To be fair, we didn’t need to make a lot to double our income.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Day 5 St Mary, Triple Divide, work

The Universe uses what humans call weather to paint on one of it’s gazillion canvasses. In this case, the one we call Earth.

The Universe uses what humans call weather to paint on one of it’s gazillion canvasses. In this case, the one we call Earth.

Note: Intentionally duplicated the photo’s caption as this blog’s content.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.