Walked into the dining hall for the first (5:30pm) seating. All tables are preset and assigned. Can not find my table for a party of one.
Then Avery says, we put Kevin with you.
Hours earlier, had thought to myself it would be cool to dine with Kevin.
Kevin visits maybe once a week. So the odds are low of being there when he’s there.
Kevin is the proprietor.
A descendent of the original family owner.
Great Northern Railway built it in 1913. They ran it for decades, along with 8 sister chalets. By the 1950’s, they no longer wanted them. Some decayed naturally. Two were sold to the National Park Service for one-dollar each.
Kevin’s grandparents bought concessionaire rights for Sperry Chalet in 1954.
In 1955, they also bought the rights for Granite Park Chalet. These two chalets are made of stone. The other seven chalets were made from wood and decomposed over the decades due to lack of upkeep.
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