A 15-year old Disney leadership flashback applied to yesterday.
Last week while in Denver at the Authority Rainmaker event, an email from Orlando:
Are you available next Thursday May 21?
A former client has initiated a request for my Disney consulting services. Had no idea of the details last week, but in the past three days we hammered everything out.
Then yesterday a call. “Jeff, we are postponing the session for two weeks. One of the leaders in another department passed away from a sudden heart attack.”
Stunned. Saddened.
We worked through this and then before hanging up i asked:
If the speed limit is 55, how fast can i drive before you would become uncomfortable? And let’s assume 100 would be reckless. He said somewhere near 85.
My job is to rattle the cage of every person in the room.
Taking risks is risky. So is playing it safe.
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Today, as fate would have it, is May 21 (the original date of the speaking engagement) as this is written.