Tell me i’m wrong

Disney Keynote Speaker
Call me if you want the best Disney Keynote Speaker in the world. +1 407-538-4341
Disney Keynote Speaker
World-class comes with a price. Please don’t call me if you want world-class at average prices. Note: Zoom in on those world-class ‘crow’s feet’. You know how you earn those? Gonna assume you know. There’s only one way.

It ain’t bragging if you can do it.


Offer the names of those who can explain the comprehensive Disney Way better than me.

Who explains it deeper and broader?

Who does it with more audience engagement?

Who insists on never being called a Disney executive or the former head of anything at Disney?

Who has done it and taught it longer?

Who’s deconstructed Disney’s DNA and reconstructed it so a 10-year old can get it?

Who has more fun rattling people’s cages in the most helpful way?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Doing the right thing, work

3 doors down album cover
“It’s not my time”…What do you think the context is?

Popularity is a time vampire.


The more popular you are, the more important your job responsibilities, the more others want your time.

The more others want your time, the less you get to do what you want when you want.

Essentially, it’s not your time, as the song suggests.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Post Op Day 14, work

Luxury resort in Florida
We see the highest floors from our bedroom window.

Every day is Super Bowl Sunday at Disney. Transfer that to your career and see what happens.


Spent 30 minutes offering Scott and Matt my signature (eventually) ‘who is the most’ activity.

They never saw it coming.

They were surprised.

Hope they were delighted too.

But i’m mindful not everyone wants to take a hard look in the mirror with tough questions.

Scott invited me to the 7 AM mastermind kick off on Saturday. Today is Thursday.

If i attend, it will be an opportunity to ask how delighted he (as well as Matt) was with what he saw in the mirror.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Post Op Day 13, work

Political employee book quote
In late 2023, seems politics can be unforgiving too. This photo is unrelated to the quote and dialogue below.

The left court is when your job is to run the business. On the right side, your job is to get others to run the business and make it better, special, and eventually, excellent.


Have used a tennis court analogy with an executive coaching client.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Post Op Day 12, work

22-second video: You say inactive, i say unactive.
Check the math….43 days of sitting’ around. Right? Doing nothing. You tell me where i need to start when i finally get to start again.

You are the CEO of You, Inc. Figure it out.


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.