Newton’s Law of Culture In Motion
A culture in motion tends to stay in motion.
We can say this with confidence, every company has a culture.
And every culture has motion.
Focused motion, a culture by design.
Unfocused motion, a culture by default.
Building a culture worth defending is the most important long-term priority for a business owner and CEO.
And if it’s not, it should be.
Here’s an easy way to see the obvious yet often invisible.
Compare the organizational benefit to building a personal wellness and personal vibrancy lifestyle.
All able-bodied adults know personal health is important. How many actually live like they believe it – as if their life depends on it?
Five percent?
Now apply this analogy back to organizational health.
How many CEO’s make cultural vibrancy their number one long-term priority?
Like physical wellness, corporate Brand Loyalty culture must be a daily focus.
Well, it doesn’t need to be a daily focus, just like regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest don’t need to be a daily focus.
We reap what we sow.
As surely as gravity keeps us grounded on Earth.
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