Everyone cares about something

LinkedIn post about WW3
As they say, let the crap-storm begin. You know the comments will be two hateful sides arguing with each other until they die. Secondly, it’s looking like a fully-equipped Ukrainian people will not withstand Russia’s air and missile power.

Everyone cares about something.

Mostly we share concern for safety, respect, and efficiency.

There’s a fork in the road.

To the one side is status quo.

To the other side is change as life or circumstances warrant.

The proverbial sticking a head in the ground doesn’t frighten nor stop change.

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Why pay attention?

Disney Keynote Speakers
This is as obvious as i can make it.

Why pay attention to details most will never notice? The answer to this question matches the answer to the next question…

What is the supreme goal of every customer interaction?


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Diluted culture

Disney Performance Excellence booklet from 1990's
The Disney Decade (1990-2000) demanded unprecedented growth. Performance Excellence was the antidote for a diluted culture.

Growth dilutes culture. A diluted culture doesn’t solve problems, it creates them.


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Bob Dylan on personal leadership

Disney Theme Park Indiana Jones show
Photo: Indiana Jones Stunt Show at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Thriving requires serious effort until it becomes habitual. Literally everything in life is hard before it is easy.

Bob Dylan on personal leadership:

He who is not busy being born, is busy dying.

Bob Dylan

Obviously, “he” means he/she/they/them/everyone.

Insight: Vibrancy is growth-mindset. Survival is closed-mindset.

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What’s really holding you back

social media post screen shot
If you think not having an MBA is holding you back…it’s actually your mindset that’s holding you back.

What’s really holding you back isn’t what you think it is.

Habitually adding ”one more” credential to your resume is a risk.


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