Anything you want


A clear, concise, and compelling vision of your future is the most important leadership tool in your personal leadership toolbox.


If you don’t know where (or why) you’re going, you will never get there. Being perpetually lost is a ridiculous proposition isn’t it?


Being proactively over-focused on things you used to under-focus on or ignore is an amazing transformation. Congrats.

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Five cherished friends


If Disney went out of business, who would miss you?

Disney Leadership Chat, January 25, 2005

At Disney, our goal is to move from valued Guests to cherished friends.


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Calm anything


A calm sea never made a skillful mariner.


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i spy wiff me little eye


As I grow older I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.

Andrew Carnegie

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It’s not your job


Leadership is a responsibility, not a job.

Lee Cockerell

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