Glacier’s Garden Wall

Glacier National Park

Silence fertilizes the deep place were personality grows. A life with a peaceful center can weather all storms.

Norman Vincent Peale

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Leadership opposites

Glacier mountainside rest spot

Yin and Yang, male and female, strong and weak, rigid and tender, heaven and earth, light and darkness, thunder and lightning, cold and warmth, good and evil… the interplay of opposite principles constitutes the universe.


Always driving the speed limit is like hitting the lottery.


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Preaching the Gospel according to Walt

Glacier National Park

When priests are ordained, the bishop puts the book of the Gospels in their hands. He tells them, “Believe what you read, peach what you believe, and practice what you teach.”

Father David Scotchie

The best time to look for a job is when you already have one.


i only preach what i practice.


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2 simple keys to success

Granite Park Chalet
Granite Park Chalet

The key to success in any undertaking is our focus and discipline.


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As the…

madeleine albright quote
Be careful, your own inner voice will try to convince you your dreams for your personal vibrancy are too big, too far out of reach, too unimportant in a big, busy world. Cut this out of a magazine in 1997.

As a leader, do to others as you would do to yourself.


As CEO of You, Inc., you are responsible for everything in your life. Do not wait on others to make your life better, that’s your job.


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