What’s the number one metric we should be measuring but can’t?

jeff noel orlando based leadership speaker


(photo: There are many proactive ways to influence culture, and stories from the past are critical – Mid Life Celebration’s genesis revolves around a pregnant woman sitting on a chair in a movie scene.)

What’s the number one metric we should be measuring but can’t?


Culture is what people think and do without thinking.

And what we accept by default becomes the standard.

This ought to scare the heck out of you if you’re in charge of culture.

How do we measure culture?

Experience your product for yourself and use your best judgement.


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What is career hunger?

Ants devouring dead frog on road


(photo: Hungry ants devouring road kill frog… the ants are in a frenzy to succeed)

Career hunger.

Is it the hunger for more money?

The hunger to prove our worth?

Is it a hunger akin to wanting to contribute to society in a meaningful, authentic way?

Because we spend such a disproportionately large portion of our lives working, not satisfying this hunger is dangerous.

Many of us quit, and stay, for decades.

Is this a self-imposed prison?

Does it devour our soul?

Is it a catalyst to become the artist we were born to be?

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Walt Disney World Main Entrance (and Exit)

Walt Disney World main entrance


In a few days the annual performance appraisal process is finalized for FY 2014.

Very few people feel they are appropriately paid.

A widespread phenomenon.

Do you feel you are?


That’s the point.

This perpetuates itself because what are we going to do, leave?


No, of course not.

Final answer?

Yes, that’s a question not an exclamation.

What is peace and contentment?

The positioning to be able to walk away.

To plan in a deep, rational, profound way.

For a higher calling.

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Satisfaction is dangerous

Portland Memorial Coliseum


(photo: yesterday’s ‘office’)

Satisfaction is dangerous.

Because satisfaction only meets needs.

It never exceeds expectations.

We like when our expectations are exceeded.

Don’t we?

Some retire because they can’t wait to quit working.

Some retire because they can’t wait to begin on a higher calling.

Quite possibly even more work than they’ve ever done before.

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