Ah, The Double-Edged Sword Of Risk And Reward

I've had similar cameras in the past. Ultimately, the desire to carry it all the time made the size an easy choice.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Too much ventured, too much to lose. This is why success is so hard to define and comprehend. There are a million ways to find success. And what’s success for one, is likely failure to another.

Insight: At the end of the day, we must fail, but never quit, if want to succeed.

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Be Careful What You Wish For


It occurred to me that there is a very important caveat to every self-help and business success tip ever written or spoken – be careful what you wish for.

Insight: More is not necessarily better.

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Career Health, Like Physical Health Is A Results Driven Endeavor That Pays Dividends In Proportion To The Investment

Remember though, some of the best learning doesn't happen in a traditional classroom.

Want to get smarter? Read books, take classes, ask questions, teach, pay attention to people who already do well what you’d like to do.

Insight: No one builds a reputation on what they’re gonna do.

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