Moves like Jagger?

the Rolling Stones prefer an electric guitar, but they can groove unplugged if needed
the Rolling Stones prefer an electric guitar, but they can groove unplugged if needed


Holy cow Batman, what a day!

Command, creativity, teamwork, inspiration, activity, focus. Did I mention command?

Apparently, the Ivy League MBA in the room thought the delivery was brilliant.

Anyone who’s spoken to a million people is gonna move like a Rolling Stone.

They say if you can do it, it ain’t bragging. Sometimes you just have to say to yourself, “Self, you were amazing today, but don’t you dare let it go to your head”.

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This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To go in an instant from this money (career) blog to the HQ blog, just click ->; go to Next Blog


Serenity and hidden Mickey’s in the workplace

hidden Mickeys
amazing what you can observe simply by paying attention

Serenity and hidden Mickey’s? Yes. Both have a special place in my soul. Doing work inspired by a man and his mouse results in a serenity uncommon in a loud, busy world.

Find what inspires you. It’s there. It may be staring you in the face and you can’t see it to save your life.

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Two more transformational things from Yesterday

Jimmy Buffett songs
From Jimmy Buffett’s song, “The Wino and I Know”
New Orleans traditions
New Orleans traditions
Cafe Du Monde take out
we’re next
Cafe Du Monde service
Next! Um, yeah, two bags of beignets please
strong New Orleans coffee
passed on coffee since it was after 7pm
best beignets
donuts too hot to touch…

January 25, 1992 moved into our second house, right behind work. The house I will die in, probably.

Yesterday visited Cafe Du Monde… in the French Quarter, and relived Jimmy Buffett’s song, The Wino and I Know:

coffee is strong at the Cafe Du Monde…
donuts too hot to touch…
and just like a fool…
when those sweet goodies cool…
I eat ’til I eat way too much…

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Those of you that know what this means, know what this means

photo of Florida lake dock with footprints
does this photo make sense to you?

This photo makes no sense if you didn’t start here, which would have led you to here, which then would have taken you here… which would have brought you directly here (the post your reading now).

But if you did start there though, this photo makes perfect sense.

And whether this makes sense or not, it all comes together for the grand finale here.