Three reasons why not asking your boss for permission demonstrates you have finally arrived

Share joy? How can we not?
Share joy? How can we not?


Three reasons why not asking your boss for permission demonstrates you have finally arrived:

1. You didn’t ask because you figured it out for yourself. And it’s one less thing your boss needs to worry about.

2. You are so sure of yourself, you bet your career on it.

3. Worst case it’s reversible and it demonstrates your vision, courage, and judgement.

This is a joyful position to lead from.

All day. Everyday.

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The cost of doing nothing is exponentially greater than doing this

Three pelicans flying through the sky
Vultures? No, pelicans. Was afraid to use this pic because it’s out of focus. But it is in real time.


The cost of doing nothing is exponentially greater than doing this:

The cost of failing.

Getting used to trying things, even at the risk of failing, is the fastest (and only) way to following your passion.

Fear of failing is a deadly toxin to passion.

We know this.

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Rather than medicating ourselves with the shortcomings of others

Florida Fall clouds
Letting things go becomes easier with practice (and can be mastered over time)


Nearly everyone we observe (including ourselves) sees everyone else’s shortcomings. And they say, so-and-so just needs to do this or do that.

And they think so-and-so should just use common sense.

Was thinking, if common sense was the answer, then wouldn’t we all be positive, fit, peaceful, fulfilled, finically secure, a model employee or leader, organized, etc?

The beauty about overmanaging our personal responsibility is that we become very well rounded and successful at delivering balanced life results.

And when this happens, we feel so good about ourselves (even with our many shortcomings) because of the harmonious alignment of our energy (and results).

Something magical happens. We no longer worry about what others do or don’t do.

Don’t get me wrong, we are fully aware of our surroundings, but we focus our energy on self-improvement rather than medicating ourselves with the shortcomings of others.

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Personal leadership is a real thing

Quote from leadership book about lies
Leadership is not something someone else does. It is us, leading ourselves. First and foremost.


Personal leadership is a real thing. Know what it is? It is not a secret.

What is it if it isn’t our personal responsibility to know why we are here?

To know what we are good at and how it contributes to the greater good, and that we must continuously work hard to do it better, with greater impact and reach?

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Do not look at your issue or your problem differently

Apple Store window display of colorful beads promoting iPhone 5c
Same thing different angle – looks entirely different


It’s challenging to look at our age old habits and issues differently. Why? Because how has it paid off for us in the past? Most likely, not as well as we dreamt.

So here’s what I’m proposing: Don’t look at the ‘issue’ or the ‘problem’ differently. Look at your motivation to succeed differently.

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