1 More Success Secret

Another Year Has Come & Gone
Another Year Has Come & Gone

When pursuing your dreams, there’s one more success secret you should know.

Well, it’s not really a success secret, it’s simply common sense.

Know what it is? First and foremost, it’s what we call in America, a no-brainer, because it’s so obvious.

On your journey, make sure you start early.

You know, don’t wait until the “last minute”.

I had the opportunity to practice this last week, nearly four years early….

Four Things

Guard Against Boring Teachers
Guard Against Boring Teachers

Who doesn’t like to learn new, cool, helpful stuff?

Do you have to, or get to, teach others?  You know, teaching other adults, co-workers, children, parents, your boss, etc.

You most likely never think of how effective you are when you teach. So here’s a test.

When a great teacher teaches you, they are aiming for four criteria, to be effective.  Bob Pike, the Walt Disney of Training, developed four questions. “Did you?”:

  1. Like it
  2. Learn it
  3. Use it
  4. Make a difference

Then Don Kirkpatrick comes along and adds to this with his four.  “Was there?”

  1. Reaction
  2. Learning
  3. Behavior
  4. Results

No matter how you slice it as a leader, the more you know and the simpler you keep it, well, you decide.

Do You Love June 1st?

Yes, This Is June 1st
Yes, This Is June 1st

Ever heard the phrase, “Everything takes longer than expected”?

It’s the primary reason you and I fail at our big plans, our big dreams.

We give up before we should.


Why do you think?

It’s because everything takes longer than we expect.

Embrace this truth and use it to motivate yourself.

I do.

June 1 was three days ago. June 1 marked the 14-month anniversary of writing five daily blogs. June 1 marked 17 months since Mid Life Celebration, LLC was incorporated. June 1 says there are still 19 months before the IRS will ask, “Is this a hobby or a business?”

Yes, I totally thought after 17 months, there would be more to show. But everything takes longer, right?  And to think that Mid Life Celebration isn’t quite at the half-way point is very exciting.

Make no small plans. It is never too late to follow your dreams, whatever they may be.

And oh yeah, one more thing, Carpe diem!

The Ultimate Short Cut

The Road To Excellence Has No Finish Line
The Road To Excellence Has No Finish Line

We see it everyday, don’t we?

Everywhere you look, people are trying to sell us easy, quick and painless solutions.

Come on people. When are we going to wake up?

Know what the ultimate short cut is?

If I have to tell you, you won’t understand or believe it.

You’re going to have to figure it out for yourself.