Claiming to be an early adopter means you have to be one

Same iPhone5, but after the IOS7 install...
Same iPhone5, but after the IOS7 install…


IOS7 installed
IOS 7 makes the old 5 look like a new iPhone5


Claiming to be an early adopter means you have to be one. And therein lies the real reason to spend money to upgrade to the new iPhone 5s while still under contract. Call it a luxury tax. You must pay the price.

We also pay a luxury tax on the time investment for exercising. There is very little time for watching TV.

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The prayer is for those among us who hate their job

Fortune article on technology disruptions
You are the CEO of You, Inc, and in charge of appropriate disruptions to change things


This blog is about our career. Our job. Our money maker.

But today everyone is being held up in a special prayer.

The prayer is for those in the world who hate their job, their boss, or anything else upon waking up.

Will you promise to begin to find a way out?

We pray for that.

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