Three amazing experiences from 24 hours ago

Wordcamp Orlando saw hundreds of developers and users converge at Rosen School of Hospitality
Wordcamp Orlando is a gathering place for WordPress developers, users, and geeks


The New Orleans Superdome at night, from the Hyatt Regency 25th floor
The New Orleans Superdome at night, from the Hyatt Regency 25th floor


Three amazing experiences from 24 hours ago:

  1. Attended WordPress’ Wordcamp Orlando
  2. Read most of Awaken Your AgePotential
  3. Checked in to the Hyatt Regency New Orleans

The quality of our continuous improvement daily choices has a disproportional impact on our long term success.

Great choices eventually multiply exponentially, and expand over time.

* * * * *

This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To go in an instant from this money (career) blog to the HQ blog, just click -> go to Next Blog


Another standing ovation

The first double amputee to ever race in the Olympic games. Ever. Standing ovation. Why?

ground breaking achievements

Another standing ovation. As a professional speaker, my job is to excite, inspire, and motivate adults to think differently. My introduction includes the vision that this will occur.

Another standing ovation measured it’s effectiveness.

Next Blog

Insight: The greatest teachers don’t just talk great theory, they deliver great results. Even at the risk of seeming boastful.