Not A Bit Of Talent Left

Are You Who You Represent Yourself To Be?
Are You Who You Represent Yourself To Be?

Please join me in welcoming my friend David Balentine, as he asks an important, but overlooked question. Take it away David:

How are you using your talents?

A challenge we all face is how to use our talents wisely. One of those challenges presented itself in the form of being asked to write a pithy post as a guest blogger. Not knowing fully what the word meant, another challenge arose. Define pithy.

In a world filled with talented writers, I do not consider myself one of them.

Originally rejected by her school’s newspaper, she turned her talents into becoming a popular humorist, recognized nationwide and read by more than 30 million people across the US and Canada every week.

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me”.” – Erma Bombeck

So, how are you using your talents?

Ok, back to my words: What is it that you want to become but for a variety of excuses, fears, doubts, reasons, you will never know because your fear is greater than your desire. Embrace failure as a necessary part of the formula and begin again, refreshed, renewed, recommitted.

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What Leaders Really Want

Don't You Love The Diversity Of Perspective?
Don’t You Love The Diversity Of Perspective?

The invisible challenge with finding great leaders?

Too many people want to become leaders.

But not to do work that matters and not to make a difference.


There’s a sad paradox.

People want to become leaders so they can make more money and buy bigger, better, and newer stuff.

Go ahead, tell me I’m lying!

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Here’s to the crazy ones

Here’s to the crazy ones. who move forward

The ones who move forward.

The ones who don’t know the way.

The ones who go, even though the path is dark, potentially dangerous, and full of uncertainty.

Yeah, here’s to the crazy ones.

Lee Cockerell’s New iPhone App

Creating Magic Author, Lee Cockerell
Creating Magic Author, Lee Cockerell

Lee Cockerell, Walt Disney World Executive Vice President (retired), and author of Creating Magic: Ten Common Sense Leadership Strategies From A Life At Disney, debuted his new iPhone app yesterday:

Downloaded it yesterday. Do it for yourself or as a gift for someone you care about.

Lee’s Droid app will be out soon, maybe 30 days.

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