jeff noel Saw This On A T-Shirt And Thought It Encompassed A Key Leadership Insight

My Dog isn't "really smart", I just spend more time training him than most

The t-shirt slogan caught jeff noel’s eye, like a bug attracted to the bright night light: “Sorry, I just practice more than you”.

At the end of the day, that’s it, isn’t it? Hard work IS the shortcut to success.

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jeff noel Says Letting Go Of Worry Has Catapulted His Desire To Be Creative

There's a lot of stuff people won't remember about jeff noel. PS. Same for you too.

What jeff noel finds most interesting is how he has let go of worrying about whether readers find it obnoxious that he uses jeff noel and a few other key words, like midlife and Baby Boomers, repeatedly.

In the big picture, while noel may be 2 years, 10 months into Mid Life Celebration, LLC, the reality is that these are the early startup years. The years few will recall or care about.

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When Midlifer’s Stop Worrying About What Others Think And Start Worrying About What They Think, Magic Happens

See the great work today. It's entirely up to you.

Do you think deeper, reach higher, care more and work harder than you ever have? Or are you simply trying to survive the never-ending, punishing storm of global recession?

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jeff noel, Professional Speaker, Helping Midlife Adults ReThink Their Second Half

Mid Life Celebration, LLC

If someone would have told jeff noel a dozen years ago that he’d be traveling the world as a professional speaker, helping midlife adults think about how to live the second halves of their lives more purposefully, peacefully and contented, he would have called them insane.

What do you look back on that was crazy, but is now coming true? Use this question for personal reflection or leave your answer at the….

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Boomers, If Your Goal Isn’t Impossible, You’re Not Reaching High Enough

My impossible isn't to write code, it's to write, a lot, for a little boy. (in fact, that part is now done)

Dear fellow Baby Boomer midlife professionals, if jeff noel has said it once, he’s said it a million times: If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

Not impossible as in no one’s ever done it. Impossible as in you’ve never done it. Go.

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