Who are you in 100 words or less?

Bet you can’t do it (he thought to himself) (how hard could it be?)…


Who are you in 100 words or less? Are you brave enough to write something outrageously interesting that would make others want to click your way?

A book on Age Potential is being published soon. Decent chance Mid Life Celebration, LLC will get a mention. Was asked to write a 100-word or less bio. Way harder than it seemed…

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Why midlife failure seldom stops us

A brand new day full of opportunities to fail…

a new day

Here’s why midlife failure seldom stops us. Failing always teaches us something. It’s the reward for doing the thing we feared. What really stops us is the fear of failing – not failure itself.

Boomers, at some point today, do something that scares you. Good luck.

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Three great career reminders from London Olympics

Older Scouts teach the younger Scouts, mostly by what they do, very little by what they say… same in the corporate world…

Scout summer camp

Teaching, and bonding, can happen anywhere… even a fallen log strewn across a creek…

Summer camp fun

Three great career reminders from London Olympics:

  1. It’s a brutally competitive world
  2. The difference between gold and silver is often minuscule
  3. The difference between gold and silver is often staggering

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