Working vacations are necessary sometimes

Sanibel Island Summer sunsets
Awaiting first Family sunset, 2015.


Sanibel Island Summer sunsets
First Family sunset (in progress).


Sanibel Island Summer sunsets
First Family sunset heading for grand finale.


Sanibel Island Summer sunsets
First Family sunset – take a bow.


Sanibel Island Summer sunsets
First Family sunset – encore.


Working vacations are under rated and over rated.

Just like exerting the lifetime effort (personal leadership) to stay healthy and active. Or to opt for ‘relaxing, taking it easy, and enjoying life’ at the expense of exertion.

The key is to take enough vacations so that the odds equal out that some are working vacations and some are not.

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The business of blogging

Winter Park Florida cemetery
Yesterday on the cool down walk after the Watermelon 5k.


Fancy graphic design can be an insidious place to hide.


Because it’s tempting to disguise boring with polish.

If the point of your website is a one-time visit, then maybe.

If the point is primarily content creation (daily, thought-provoking content), better to focus on real versus shiny.

Stories and relevance are far more important than bells and whistles.

(Photo: Does a fancy headstone make the person more important or easier to remember? i’m going with, “No.”)

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