Yesterday yielded a breakthrough that seemed impossible

blogging freedom
you can blog to the world… from anywhere

The magic of journaling is how it demands requires we think at a deeper level than just going through our daily motions. Social media in general, and blogging specifically, heightens self-awareness.

Blogging seems difficult to those who’ve never done it, or do it infrequently. But as the years go by, it gets easier. Stay tuned.

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Normally a question like this implies (career) health-related issues

It’s a trap, isn’t it?

So easy to find a routine that works for us, but not necessarily for our customers nor employees.

What if, let’s say, a professional speakers never gave the same speech twice…

final lecture?
will every speech be delivered as if it was the final opportunity?

What will we decide to not do today, that won’t show up as regret until 20 years from now?

For example: by giving speeches that always contain the essential, timeless insight, but are never delivered in the same exact style – there’s no regret later for wishing we had been a better artist at our craft.

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The real job of a leader never shows up in the job description

building bridges
be the bridge from doubt to faith… to a brighter future

It is better to give than to receive. What goes around comes around. Be the change we hope to see. Live our life so that if anyone said something bad about us, no one would believe it. If our goal isn’t impossible, we’re not reaching high enough. And always remember, Life is not a dress rehearsal.

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