Disney meetings and Tiger Woods? Is there some commonality? Maybe.
Two days ago, Tiger made a dramatic comeback, here in Orlando, at the Bay Hill golf course. I don’t recall the tournament’s name. It was his sixth win at this particular tournament.
But, no one was certain he could win, yet. Was he ready? Was he strong enough? Does he still have “it”? Did the 9.5 months of being away from golf, leave him worse off, or better off?
Last June, I believe, he had a major setback, which required reconstructive surgury, etc.
Well, on Sunday he was, at least when I turned on the TV, at least five strokes behind the leader.
On the final round, he methodically made up the difference, and, on the final stroke, won the tournament.
Last May, just before he flew to California to win the US Open (and destroyed his knee and leg), I spoke to him at the local gym we both go to.
I asked him, “Tiger, if you had one piece of advice to give to anyone wanting to be world-class, what would it be“?
You know what he told me?
“Out work ’em“!
I was surprised by his simple answer. And you know what else? He didn’t hesitate for a nano-second on his answer, “Out work ’em“!
Caught off guard, I responded instinctively, “You mean like morning, noon and night“?
He said, “Yes“!
So please, let me ask you, “What are you doing, this morning, this afternoon, and tonight, to be world-class“?
What a great time to regroup. Everyone is doing that, you know. Trying to figure out a plan for this quarter and the next, etc. The people and organizations that come through this year ahead of the others?
The ones who are willing to “out work their competition“!
Need a place to start? That leads me to here……..
Have been meaning to share this with you. If you are doing something important this year, or are planning something important, Disney has some special offers, if you were to make those plans before June 30. The link below summarizes it all.
As always, there is no pressure for you to do anything.
Pressure from your competition? Of course. Always will be. Especially now. It’s just a fact of life, isn’t it? I wish it wasn’t so. Life would be easier. Wait, I’ve drifted off to Fantasy Land. Sorry.
Make today a GREAT day. Do something GREAT, because if you don’t, who will? Do you think your competition is taking the day off?
Carpe diem, jungle jeff