These are the days of our lives

Fall colors at University of Iowa


These are the days of our lives.

We are old enough to be very wise.

But wisdom only sticks around if it is recognized, honored, and practiced.

Live a life so above reproach that if anyone ever said anything bad about you, no one would believe it.

Walt Disney is quoted as saying, ‘If you can dream it, you can do it’.

Who doesn’t trust Walt?

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You can learn a lot from 55 years of mistakes and triumphs

AARP birthday wish
You can learn a lot from 55 years of mistakes and triumphs.


Live your life so that if anyone ever said anything bad about you, no one would believe it.

When you do what you do from a place of great authenticity and deep sense of noble purpose, you may not always do what is right but you will always do what you think is right.

No one should ever feel bad or guilty for making a mistake in trying to do the right thing.

To live in fear of making mistakes is a lifetime prison sentence no one should have to endure.

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