Give It Away For Free

Someday, Maybe, A Humble Servant.
Someday, Maybe, A Humble Servant.

How often do you associate with incredible talent? Daily? Weekly? Never?

On a recent call, Gary W. Goldstein, Pretty Woman producer, said you should give your best stuff away, for free.

Radical, not logical, and counter-intuitive for most.

For me, perfect!

People resonate with authenticity, with raw, unrehearsed passion and truth. (duh!)

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Got Apple, Steve Jobs?

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
– Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the American computer pioneer who cofounded Apple, is known for his intensity, his brashness, and his focus on elegant design. He was born in 1955 in San Francisco. At age 21, he and Steve Wozniac built the first Apple computer in his garage. Its successor, the Macintosh, introduced the mouse. After Jobs was ousted from Apple, he bought Pixar Animation, creator of Toy Story and Finding Nemo. On his return to Apple, he introduced the iMac and iPod, restoring the company’s luster. He now lives in California with his wife and three children.

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Being organized can help you keep your dream alive.