Is taking risks similar to comedy?

random music video screen shot about real love
Everyone has a story. Everyone has a dream.


She is determined, humble, and strives for simplicity.

Probably a zealot too.

She’s passionate about excellence to the point of it being a liability.

Yet others see it as a game changer rather than a liability.

Taking risks is risky.

So is playing it safe.

Maybe it’s like comedy. Timing is everything.

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Is there a cure for sending the wrong leadership message?

Apple Store employee t-shirt slogan
Apple advocates will pay whatever it costs because they believe Apple cares about the user experience first


No leader aspires to have others feel like they are only interested in the financial side of the business.

But simply do the math.

It adds up quickly, doesn’t it?

There are exceptions to this stereotype.

Feel blessed if you find yourself there.

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Good people becoming like monsters

Facebook update screen shot
The goal is to figure out what you can improve and what is not worth trying to improve (not my comments, btw)


It’s literally incomprehensible how busy people are.

Good people becoming like monsters.

Wonder what the mirror says.

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