Our average life expectancy is 78 years, or 28, 470 days. To fail only 100 times in search of our purpose is trivial. To give up is criminal. You deserve better. Keep going. I did. And you can too.
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Disney Brand Loyalty Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Our average life expectancy is 78 years, or 28, 470 days. To fail only 100 times in search of our purpose is trivial. To give up is criminal. You deserve better. Keep going. I did. And you can too.
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Leadership thinking 101:
BFO = Blinding Flash of the Obvious.
Got it? Good. Now let’s all go do GREAT work today! Bring it on!
Here’s the secret to “Are You Serious”, from yesterday’s post.
Think. Read. Watch. Listen. Talk. Write. Blog.
A lot.
Then repeat.
For example. I invested about about 30 minutes Sunday to listen to THIS.
That’s how I do it. And yes, I are serious.
PS. If you missed it two sentences up, (click THIS) Seth Godin explains, book by book, his thinking with each book. If you are serious about becoming better, this will rock your thinking – especially if you are a traditionalist.