Hire for technical skills or for relationship skills?

Airplane wind seat
The boy exclaimed as we became airborne, “Goodbye Florida. See you soon Florida.”


Leadership is remarkably easy and insanely challenging.

It really depends on your audience, and what their motives are and how interactions with you help or hinder their motives.

The little boy and his Mom were incredibly grateful that i traded seats so the boy could see out the window. i made their day with a simple act of kindness.

Conversely, a key contract employee i’m working with thinks i’m disorganized and slow. And interestingly enough, i think he could be milking the system.

It’s eating away at us. i’ve began the resolution a week ago by calling a face-to-face meeting and airing (awkwardly) my concerns. Still waiting for deliverables, yet remaining hopeful.

In my wildest dreams, i pray we both couldn’t be farther from the truth.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


You’re a zealot and it wears people out

Tim Cook March 2015 Apple event.
Aim for perfection. Settle for excellence.


Notes from the final Disney Performance appraisal in 2014. These are word-for-word (copied and pasted here without editing). They were typed on an iPhone sitting across the desk from the leader during the meeting. Kinda like shorthand because we were talking one-on-one:

Teachable moment is every moment. Wears people out.
Willingly go to extremes… All the time.
Masters at their game… Leadership team.

The fourth line was a reference that i should study and emulate the experts, our departmental leadership team. The same group of experts that the team collectively voted as ineffective as the top issue on the employee survey.

Talk about a blind spot.

It is tiring.

On both sides no doubt.

But so is this, the DNA of Walt Disney Operations:

Deliver an excellent experience to every single Guest, every single time, every single day.

No operational leader ever says, “Anything less than 100% is acceptable today.”

Shifting gears…society’s focus on Easter pales in comparison to Christmas. From this it would be safe to assume Christmas is more important.

Is it?

Case in point, today, Christmas finally makes sense.

Happy Easter 2015.

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