The View Never Changes If

If you’re not the lead reindeer, the view never changes. Being emplyed is like that too.  And it reminds me that as a leader, it’s incumbent on me to see the future and describe to others what it looks like.

Someone has to set the vision.  If it ain’t the leader, what have you got?  Seriously.  If the leader doesn’t do it, you’re in serious trouble.

Imagine these guys without a lead reindeer:

PS. Okay, so they’re not exactly reindeer, but you get the point. Make your day great. You know where you’re headed, right?

jungle jeff and His Camera

jungle jeff always has a camera in his pocket.  Always.  Well okay, not always.  Not while sleeping.  Who has pockets while sleeping?

Einstein once said, “Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another, it is the only means.”

Writing as the five-a-day blogger, it is a hope that I may become the change I wish to see in the world.

A camera is a helpful tool to capture thoughts and share them in a different way, a visual way.  Expect to see quite a few One-Take-You Tube videos in the next couple days.  Carpe diem!