Before we begin, are you satisfied with your brand loyalty?

Michael Eisner sitting on a director's chair
From a Disney Annual Report.

Before we begin, let’s ask, “Are you satisfied with your Brand Loyalty?”

And by the way, you have anonymity, right now, with your answer – so relax, be real, and lean into discomfort just enough for your truth to be set free.

So let’s ask again…

Take a deep breath…


Another slow, deep breath as you hear this again…

Are you satisfied?


Your Brand Loyalty reputation and your results.

Are you satisfied?

Your answer?

Anyone’s answer?

An educated guess says our answers match.

That’s why you’re reading this book and that’s why this Disney Brand Loyalty book needed to be written.

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For the right person, this book is the Brand Loyalty Holy Grail.

The author is leaving a brand loyalty leadership life-guide for his son in case something bad ever happens to the author and his son has important questions after he’s gone.

The author has dedicated his life to deconstructing and then reconstructing Disney’s operational brand loyalty DNA and presenting it in a book (and speeches) to put a positive dent in our Universe.

This book is intentionally short, simple, and focused – and as a result, powerful.


Thinking differently and intentionally to build a personal or organizational leadership architecture is the opportunity of a lifetime.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Disney Brand Loyalty book context: the biggest challenge is where to start

Test Track and backstage Epcot
Test Track and backstage Epcot.

Disney Brand Loyalty book context: the biggest challenge is where to start.

As of March 2021, Google offers…

Brand Loyalty, 226,000,000 options for all tabs: News, Images, Videos, Books, More.

Brand Loyalty, 5,440,000 videos to choose from.

Brand Loyalty, 1,000+ brand loyalty books on Amazon.

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Everyone wants to improve.

Google, You Tube, and Amazon are great places to search for game plans and first step recommendations.

But seriously, how do you sort through 226-million links?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

How will you feel when you pick one of only three choices?

Disney parade float fire-breathing dragon
Disney parade float fire-breathing dragon.

Worth it to pursue world-class Brand Loyalty?

How will you feel if you try yet fail?

How will you feel if you never try?

How will you feel if you try and succeed?

The math says we have to try in order to succeed. But nothing is guaranteed. So the math also says trying inherently comes with the probability of failing.

Without the comfort of living with failure, success will never be ours.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Are you willing to walk away?

three adults at Disney's Jungle Cruise Attraction
Disney fans from Indiana. Donna (with husband Doug) has read every blog post.
Skipper Canteen restaurant logo
Jungle Navigation Co. Ltd. Skipper Canteen.

World-Class Brand Loyalty

Are you willing to walk away?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.