These are the days of our lives

Fall colors at University of Iowa


These are the days of our lives.

We are old enough to be very wise.

But wisdom only sticks around if it is recognized, honored, and practiced.

Live a life so above reproach that if anyone ever said anything bad about you, no one would believe it.

Walt Disney is quoted as saying, ‘If you can dream it, you can do it’.

Who doesn’t trust Walt?

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One said then the other thought (a little riff)

plate full of fancy chocolates
Leadership is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.


Business Consultants see this all the time…

Leadership is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.

One said…

It’s a little bit like a fox in the hen house.

Another one thought, You’re kidding right… you cannot be serious?

Too much preaching and not enough practicing makes a leader ineffective.

How toxic is ineffective leadership?

Just ask the team. They’ll tell you.

Genuine listening implies acting on the most important, overwhelmingly recognizable issues.

And maybe there is one singular issue that has the power to be the game changer.

Then the constituents wait. And wait. And wait.


Because the people who make the rules have an extraordinary opportunity to lead in an admirable way, and to live by the rules they proclaim.

Otherwise, it’s just another in a long list of busy (and successful, depending on the metrics used) managers talking a great talk.

So the constituents wait for different behaviors that will be easily identifiable.

The behaviors demonstrating commitment, and integrity.

And some leaders wonder why there is silence when they ask for feedback.

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Lots of eyes on professional speakers, and copious opportunity for feedback

Row of wireless lavalieres
Lots of eyes on professional speakers, and copious opportunity for feedback


It’s remarkable how much we crave (and probably expect) feedback from others, especially those we work with.

If we did an inventory of how often we initiate and share the same with those we expect it from, who’s leading the way?

Us, or others?

Better be us, no?

It’s lonely isn’t it?

Do it anyway.

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Trying to come up for air?

Disney stock split graph
Um, Disney stock has been floundering for 14 of the past 15 years. Practicing patience. For real.


Life is good.


It’s also pretty dang challenging too.

Hang in there.

Practice what we preach. That ought to help us.


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