Favorite questions, work

41-second video: This is why i biked to Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort and Spa.
LinkedIn post
Been coaching Mark and Galen for a decade.

What would you do differently if Disney ran your business? Why?


Some favorite questions:

If you didn’t have to work, what would you be doing?

What are you working on now?

Why do you and your company exist?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

If you don’t push

16-second video: Last night after an early evening stroll.

Who is qualified to push you more than you?


You are in charge.

Push yourself like your life depends on it.

From my 60+ years here, it does.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Learn, grow, teach, at work

Japanese steakhouse chef
Akira is an artist.
Japanese steakhouse chef
Disney’s Epcot, Japan Pavilion. Teppen Edo restaurant. Cheryl and Paige enjoyed Akira’s art while i worked in Louisville. Focus on this photo before looking at the next photo…
Japanese steakhouse chef
The left cucumber arm has been moved to mirror Akira. He’s “just a cook”. Or, maybe, he’s an artist who loves to surprise and delight. Is this his purpose? Only Akira knows.

The greatest career luxury is loving what you do, having fun doing it, and mastering your life’s purpose artfully.


Career vibrancy requires a pro-level growth mindset which insists you have the highest work expectations for yourself. You are committed to only seeing possibility and opportunity.

Vision, purpose, contribution, art, joy, commitment. Fun.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Categorized as Quotable Tagged

It’s easy to tell

White fuzzy bubbles
Can you easily tell what this is? How about now…
White fuzzy bubbles
Now it’s obvious, right?

It’s easy to tell what people want. Their results come from their habits. So if they want different or better results, they need different or better habits.


Our house Guest last week discovered i am a daily blogger, because Cheryl told her.

And i added some context to that story, so she heard i write because i love writing and want to leave a tangible trail for our son.

By the way, our college freshman Son is the only reason our relationship with Paige grew.

We attended a student and parent’s weekend “writer’s workshop” during the first parent’s weekend trip we made to our son’s college.

We met our son’s favorite professor, Phaye, and asked her if she was a Disney fan.

Phaye was/is not.


But Phaye’s assistant is one of the biggest Disney fans on the planet. So much so that she once worked at a Disney Store.

Months after we met Phaye, Covid began and our son came home for Spring Break in March 2020, he (nor anyone at his college) didn’t return until 18 months later, August 2021.

At some point all students needed to clear their dorm room for the new school year. To be clear (again), there was an 18-month gap between students going home for 2020 Spring Break and returning for Fall Semester 2021.

Worth noting that a majority of students are an easy round trip drive to campus from home.

Paige single-handedly packed our son’s dorm room belongings and stored them in her office.

Eventually in August 2021 we flew up for the world’s (most of the world anyway) return to on campus living and moved his stuff from Paige’s office (and home) to a his new dorm room.

She used our sons two suitcases plus one of her own as ‘boxes’ to pack up his stuff. There wasn’t enough room in her office to store the three suitcases on top of the other items.

Note: The two photos are unintentional, out of focus Magic Kingdom fireworks photos.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Culture delivers systemic outcomes

Jeff noel autographed book
A rare day but they do happen…using the same picture twice in one day.

Insist your love for your passion is greater than your fear.


Insight: Treat culture as a management tool designed to embed (operationalize) new-thinking habits. These changed habits and mindsets lead to predictable, habitually intentional decision-making and better results.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.