Chamber of Commerce Day

Snapped this photo trying to capture the tiny songbird. The bird isn’t visible in this picture, but the photo is delightfully barren.
The grandeur and solitude are almost overwhelming – in a great way.
Green is in this month, in a big way.
As often is the case, photos don’t do Glacier justice.
Breathtaking if you ask me.
Looking Northwest over my left shoulder as i bike up, iconic Heaven’s Peak.
Not sure why this view never gets old.
Optimistic that everything is coming together for a great recording in a couple hours.
Right middle are tiny dots (bikers) in front of the snowdrift.
Howdy Mt. Clements. Added a couple layers because temps dropped as i neared the Pass.
Howdy (retirees) bikers biking from Vancouver to Boston.
An i was there shot. How can you not?

Chamber of Commerce Day.

Yesterday morning’s weather was “picture perfect”.

No wind. No cold temps. 

Short sleeve tee, sunscreen, snacks and water. Traveling light. 

Wanted to stay at Logan Pass the rest of the afternoon. 

Literally breathtaking. 

But after the previous day’s rain-soaked descent, i didn’t want a repeat. 

Without any cell-signal, you have to rely on your own “professional” forecast and your own sky-reading ability.

The painful choice to not linger was easy. 

i’d rather get to the bottom and be wrong than to stay at the top and be wrong. 

i was right. 

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The closer you get to sunset

Been signing Disney Institute graduation certificates with this smiling Mickey for over a decade.
Not as much snow as last year.
Conference lanyard from Kuwait.
Extra inch.
Some context. See “Extra Inch” and TED Talk lanyard lower left?
Snow art?
Light drizzle the final two miles to the Pass. It was cold too.
Empty parking lot.
Yes, 6:00pm…a five hour trek up. The running time, mileage and elevation are skewed due to operator error.
Looking back up at Logan Pass as the rain intensified.
Rain got lighter the farther West i got from the Pass.
The farther i got from Logan Pass, the drier it became.
Stromatolites gave birth to ocean life. Photo of the mountain wall along Going To The Sun Road.
Hidden Mickey stromatolites?

The closer you get to sunset, the more accurate your judgement needs to be. 

Leaving Logan Pass at 6pm meant at best i’d be back to the car around 7pm. 

Note: an obvious option was to stay under shelter at Logan Pass Visitor Center (not yet open for the season) until the rain passed. No way of knowing if it’s 30 minutes or 90. 

Fewer people on the road to help and no communication make the stakes high if you get a flat tire or take a spill. 

The obvious choice was to descend in the rain. 

•  •  •  •  •

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Celebrate with a day of reflection

Unique flowers.
Both of us use our phone to take notes.
A close encounter. The trail is narrow. We had to pass each other.
In hindsight i would have taken more time and not stepped off the trail so quickly.
We are missing a mile+ because of operator error.

Celebrate with a day of reflection

After accomplishing a robust brainstorming session two days ago, we intentionally let yesterday be a day-after reflection opportunity. 

At 9.5 years old, my business is stable enough to not have to aggressively push things during the Summer. 

In fact, Summer is dedicated to slowing down and thinking strategically – in a way that embraces:  

.think .differently

It’s invigorating and inspiring to only preach what i practice. 

Organization vibrancy only happens by over-focusing on the same things (you and) others under-focus on or ignore. 

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You can observe a lot by watching

This small purple flower stood out in the grass.
This flower is so small it’s almost invisible.
As if a special garden had been planted only here.
And then there’s the welcoming Beargrass.

You can observe a lot be watching.

Be a noticer. 

Early breakfast. 

Early, easy hike. 

Free time, including nap. 

A snacky-lunch with Cheese-its and Chex mix. 

One post it note.

One sheet of letter-sized paper (in room GNP stationary). 

One hour start to finish.

We mapped out the “generate ideas” phase of creativity for our son’s responsibilities as employee #2. 

The founder (me) is employee #1.

Son, you saw first hand how the creativity framework facilitates idea generation. 

The extras (common sense ground rules) i shared with you are intentionally omitted from this post. 

Shhhh, our little secret. 

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At Disney, we do the opposite, “Yes and…”.

Bicycle trip on Going-to-th-Sun Road (GTTSR)?

Yes, if…

  • Extend hotel
  • Extend rental car
  • Move bike rental to weekend
  • Change flight departure day
  • Weather forecast without rain (hopefully)
  • GTTSR road project done

All of these things looked in alignment yesterday at 5pm. 

We shall see today.

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