Steve Jobs speaks about failure in this 90-second video

Steve Jobs speaks about failure in this 90-second video. Steve’s key message? Ask!



Had no idea the tablet was the first path and by mistake, they stumbled onto the iPhone imperative.

Who knew?

And how does this inspire any of us to think and act differently today, or tomorrow?

Especially when it would be far easier to stay on the pre-planned path.

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The cost of doing nothing is exponentially greater than doing this

Three pelicans flying through the sky
Vultures? No, pelicans. Was afraid to use this pic because it’s out of focus. But it is in real time.


The cost of doing nothing is exponentially greater than doing this:

The cost of failing.

Getting used to trying things, even at the risk of failing, is the fastest (and only) way to following your passion.

Fear of failing is a deadly toxin to passion.

We know this.

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The reality of a busy world shouldn’t tempt us to use it as a crutch

Going the extra inch to help a Family heal
Christine asked me to take these flowers to work the next day


The reality of a busy world shouldn’t tempt us to use it as a crutch. Our job as leaders, and we are all leaders, is to find a way to thrive no matter the circumstances.

And we may fail. In fact, odds are we will.

And this is where our real leadership can surface.

Will we allow ourselves to live and operate in the failed state, or do we redouble (for however long it takes) our efforts to “take the hill“?

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The first rule in how to build something epic

swimming pool technology
we’ll be able to operate whatever this is…from our iPhones

The first rule in how to build something epic? It’s so simple it avoids us. And we let it race by because we want to avoid it. We are afraid of success. Sounds crazy. Right. We fear failure, but success?

Yes, to be an artist, it must be differently (or better) (I’ll stick with different) than everyone else. Who wants another homogenized version of plain vanilla? People love different. So do I. So do you. Go!

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PS. You know I must say these things to encourage you to be who you are meant to be. Right?