Working all over the map

Mural painted on a building
Have work, will travel.
23-second video: They have officially arrived.
5-second video: Our favorite!
8-second video: Keep moving forward.

Do it all in the hopes of landing on what you were born to do.


The best way to figure out what lights your fire the most is to try many things.

The how is yours to play with.

The why should be self-evident.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Culture equals health

big tent with chairs
Caught an empty space during the morning walk.
college graduation setup stage
So empty, i could take a close look without interfering with anyone’s preparation.
college graduation setup stage
Left, College President. Right, Commencement Keynote Speaker.
college graduation setup stage
Birdseye view.
college graduation setup tent
It’s a long way to the back rows.

Culture isn’t a priority, it’s the priority.


Think of personal vibrancy this way…

  1. Vibrant mental health yields vibrant mental results.
  2. Vibrant physical health yields vibrant physical results.
  3. Vibrant spiritual health yields vibrant spiritual results.
  4. Vibrant career health yields vibrant career results.
  5. Vibrant home/HQ health yields vibrant home/HQ health results.


Deep breath.


Now let’s move to organizational health.

  1. Vibrant leadership health yields vibrant leadership results.
  2. Vibrant employee culture health yields vibrant employee culture results.
  3. Vibrant customer service health yields vibrant customer service results.
  4. Vibrant brand loyalty health yields vibrant brand loyalty results.
  5. Vibrant creativity and innovation health yields vibrant creativity and innovation results.

You’re welcome.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Try everything to find your art

laptop showing hiring ad
Next week’s client.
laptop showing hiring ad
Brilliant messaging.
laptop showing hiring ad
Make people happy. Totally.
laptop showing hiring ad
Make your job tasks ‘artful’. Make your job fun. Make your customers happy. Seems logical.

.think .differently


Back in the day, 2013-14-ish, Apple had their Think Different.

No one that i saw had .think .differently

That’s my story and i’m sticking to it.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Compete with the best

star bangled banner sheet music
Jeremy sang this at Commencement.
23-second video: Names of all who died on 9/11.
avent garde art
What the?
avent garde art
It says: “Shamey shame shame. I don’t want to go to Mexico no more more more. There’s a big fat policeman kicking on my door door door. He grabbed me by the collar. He made me pay a dollar. I don’t want to go to Mexico no more more more.”
6-second video: Context for the art.
avent garde art
“There’s no place like home.”
avent garde art
Who buys houses fast $$$

Be the example you wish your child to be.


Teach your child.

If necessary, use words.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Risk, failure, and reward

sunset from hotel room
Sunset from my hotel desk. i did a fair amount of important work here, a long way from home.

The result to every risk not taken is nothing.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

It ain’t rocket surgery.

If i never try anything, i never learn anything.

If i never take a risk, i stay where i am.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.