Six career observations from watching SuperBowl 47

Super Dome from hotel room
Super Dome from hotel room


Six career observations from watching SuperBowl 47:

1. Team work is under rated

2. Expect the unexpected

3. Virtually everything’s a risk

4. Goals drive extraordinary behavior

5. The loser is still the second best overall, and no one cares

6. Winner takes all

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Those of you that know what this means, know what this means

photo of Florida lake dock with footprints
does this photo make sense to you?

This photo makes no sense if you didn’t start here, which would have led you to here, which then would have taken you here… which would have brought you directly here (the post your reading now).

But if you did start there though, this photo makes perfect sense.

And whether this makes sense or not, it all comes together for the grand finale here.


Three great career reminders from London Olympics

Older Scouts teach the younger Scouts, mostly by what they do, very little by what they say… same in the corporate world…

Scout summer camp

Teaching, and bonding, can happen anywhere… even a fallen log strewn across a creek…

Summer camp fun

Three great career reminders from London Olympics:

  1. It’s a brutally competitive world
  2. The difference between gold and silver is often minuscule
  3. The difference between gold and silver is often staggering

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Is it idiotic to put yourself out there as an easy target for the dart throwers?

Florida Senate debate
the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree (Chapin Noel in mock Senate debate, May 2012)

As boundary-pushers and other professional antagonists fully understand, we become a target for all the career naysayers and folks living in mediocrity-ville.

When you least expect it, a voice in the night will tell you, “It’s not who you are. It’s not what you do. It’s not what you have. It’s only about who you love and who loves you.”

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PS. Let them be the reason you push. Never forget that.

Build your own damn ladder

ready for a strategic battle?

Build your own ladder? Yes! Climb the one everyone is trying to climb, or build your own. They’re both scary, right? So here’s a thought from someone the world loved and respected:

It’s better to be a pirate than to join the Navy. – Steve Jobs

Go! This is our best summer ever. Remember?

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