jeff noel Doesn’t Mind Tough Questions, If You Don’t Mind Tough Answers

Ax me anything…

Now that jeff noel is officially 52, ask him anything. The tougher the better.

The practice at Mid Life Celebration’s Blogs has always been to respond to every comment and email within 24 hours. That may change in the future, but for now it’s doable. Go. Ask.

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Coming Or Going, It Still Feels The Same

The Blog Whisperer’s eyes are naturally drawn to signs (potential OCD)…coming

Or going…

The question on my birthday is this, “jeff noel, why do you write 5 daily, differently-themed, short & pithy blogs, and insist that every photo comes from your pocket Sony Cyber-Shot?

To help others think, smile or be grateful.

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The Blog Whisperer Is Continuously Experimenting With Blogging

Gathering knowledge through study and experimentation has a goal. Most don’t know the bigger picture.

Far too often in organizations, leaders toss aside the very reason they are there, their higher purpose. In it’s place is the boring mediocrity of going through the motions.

Transforming themselves and those around them is polluted by tasks – finding answers to questions that don’t matter rather than seeking questions that do.

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Seek Knowledge, But Stopping There Is A Waste

Near the entrance here…

….lies an in-ground dedication from the class of 1959…

jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer was born in 1959, and wonders if Acadia’s class of 1959 (now 73 years old) ever used their knowledge for personal transformation.

And what impact their personal transformation had on society – the ripple effect.

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