Wish it could have been done in person

Disney Characters trivia


(photo: Someone asked a trivia question yesterday in class… How many Disney characters exist? Someone researched the answer, above.)

After his boss, the next person at work he told was Dennis, two weeks later.

Calling Dennis yesterday during lunch was the first real public moment of truth.

Now it is only a matter of time before everyone knows.

You may not understand this, and that’s okay.

Many will think he’s running from something.

Truth is, he’s running toward something.

And has been for the past six years.

The starter’s pistol is about to fire.

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Computers often leave you with simple, clear choices

Office supplies for the professional speaker


(photo: Yesterday… big events require lots of support.)

How do we thrive while navigating scary once-in-a-lifetime milestones?

There is a process for everything.

And when a process is brand new to you, you do the very best you can to follow it. Even if you are not crystal clear.


The only person at work who knows he’s retiring is his boss.

He gave 25 days notice on October 7 (two days ago).

The career end date was driven by a computer generated benefits commencement date.

November 1, 2014 is the first official, legitimate, system supported opportunity.

He took it.

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October 7, 2014 he told his boss

electronically signing retirement papers


(photo: It wasn’t until Sunday night, 10:34pm on October 6, 2014 that the official digital signature was applied)

October 7, 2014 he emailed his boss at 6:29am checking on availability for a brief phone call – they both lead busy lives and rarely see each other.

At 7:54am they spoke and he told his boss (as the Delta gate agents used the PA to begin the boarding process):

Official retirement begins November 1, 2014. Last official day at Disney is Friday, October 31, 2014.

The obvious question, “Are you sure?”, was asked and the not so obvious answer was stated, “Yes.”

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