Sperry Day 3, work

Disney Keynote Speaker Jeff Noel in the mountains
Bishops Cap and Reynolds middle left. An “I was there” shot.
Disney Keynote Speaker Jeff Noel in the mountains
Mt Cannon center left. 
Disney Pixar toys in the mountains
2023…Pixar…Elemental…8600’…taken from Gunsight Mountain, looking North.
Disney Pixar toys in the mountains
Some context.
Disney Pixar toys in the mountains
Same ‘ole, same ‘ole.
Scouting jamboree coin from 1973 in the mountains
Disney Keynote Speaker jeff noel in the mountains
Backpack. Shoes. Jeff Noel.
7-second video: What is this place and who’s wearing those shoes?

Exaggeration makes the exaggerator look like a phony. Would you trust a phony?


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Sperry Day 2, work

13-second video: Lunch beside Sperry Glacier. The entire ‘restaurant’ is a window table.
6-second video: The wait staff.
16-second video: That’s quite a vertical trail.

Ask and you shall receive.


The more wisdom i get, it’s easy to see that it’s okay to ask for anything you want from life, from yourself, and from others.

You may not get what you want.

You may be led to ask differently, based on ‘failures’.

You may get more than or better than you ask for.

Always know that you can never be bitter about not getting what you don’t ask for. That’s on you.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Hike up – Sperry, work

7-second video: Relaxed here for 2.5 hours to blog and tweak backpack items (from travel day configuration to 3-night overnight hiking config).
Pixar elemental toy characters on a trail head
Super late start at 11:00 AM…normally start up around 6am. All good though because of being on “island time”. 
T-shirt hanging on a tree branch
Super sweaty. After five miles, hung shirt to dry. Set both daypacks in sun for same reason.
Mountain Chalet room
Nice room including a balcony. Didn’t arrive until about 4:00 PM. The manager, Brian, was worried about me. Normally arrive by 9:00 AM.

Be clear on why you’re here and ensure all your decisions drive to that goal.


It just dawned on me that when people ask me for advice, i should have a better, scalable answer. Todays quote is the rough draft for that answer.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Glacier 50th anniversary, work

Google map
Chose the long way which is the short cut (time wise).
2-second video: The driver and her child appeared unharmed.
Mountain sunset
Chief Mountain. Sunset. Heading to Swiftcurrent Motor Inn for 50th anniversary celebration start.

Let the good times start with you.


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.