To be alive to witness the world’s best ever “anything” is very cool. Today we witnessed a “world’s best customer service” book debut.
Received the top copy today, March 5. The purple copy, an uncorrected proof, was a gift from Lee last year. The bottom copy (copy #1) was also a gift from Lee February 18 during a meeting.
Rough draft of my Amazon review of Lee Cockerell’s book, The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service, which debuted today…
The brilliance of “The Customer Rules” is in Lee’s profoundly simple, and simply profound approach. Never get bored with the basics. Ever.
These 39 Rules will work for anyone, in any organization.
In a world full of cookie cutter customer service theory, Lee Cockerell is the ultimate craftsman. Hands down the best the world has seen, because Lee’s wisdom comes from doing it on a massive scale for a long, long time – leading 40,000 Disney employees for nearly a decade of sensational world-class service.
The Customer Rules is available on Amazon.
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